I always use proper attribution in my scholarship and in the materials I share with students, and I never plagiarize in my scholarship. Doesn't that insulate me from worry about copyright?


Unfortunately, no. While using proper attribution can certainly be helpful in showing your good faith, it is not enough on its own to inoculate you against copyright concerns. If your use isn’t fair and isn’t covered by one of the other exceptions and limitations to copyright, a copyright holder can prevent you from reproducing protected works even when you give her credit, and even when you don’t reproduce the entire work. That’s why it’s important to know how to take advantage of fair use, which allows you to use copyright protected material without seeking permission.

"Fair Use Code FAQ For Professors" by Association of Research Libraries

  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2021
  • Views 87
  • Answered By Lori Driscoll

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