How do I use GCSC Templates in Design Tools?


If you are new to teaching online or using the Canvas LMS, setting up your online course for the first time can be overwhelming. A simple and effective way to structure and organize your online course in the Canvas LMS is by using templates. Templates are available in Canvas from any location where you are able to create or edit content, or where you have access to the Rich Content Editor. 

Template Options

The following templates can be accessed from within the Canvas LMS and can be customized to meet your course needs:

  • Home/Landing Page: Customize the Home template to create a beautiful landing page for your students.
  • Start Here Page: Customize the Start Here template to orient students to important information they need to get started in the course and first assignments. Then, link to the Start Here button on the Home Page to ensure it is one of the first items students review.
  • Syllabus Page: Use the Canvas Syllabus Tool to customize the Syllabus template to create a course syllabus that is accessible and easy to navigate.
  • Lesson Overview/Weekly Introductions Page: Customize the Lesson Overview template to introduce students to the topic for that week or module and outline the learning objectives/outcomes, course materials, and activities/assessments.
  • Video and Document Pages: Customize the Video and Document templates to embed and display your course videos and document files for ease of student viewing. 
  • Assignment Pages: Use the AssignmentQuiz, and Discussion templates as a guide for developing your online assignments/assessments.
  • Accessing the Templates

  • To access the course templates, you may do so when you are editing a Page in Canvas that has already been created or when creating a New Page in Canvas. Select the Page in Canvas that you would like to apply a course template, then follow the steps below:

    Step 1: Edit Page

    Click the Edit button.

    Edit button

    Step 2: Open Design Tools (rocket ship)

    Click on the rocket ship icon in the upper right-hand corner to open Design Tools.

    Open Design Tools button

    Step 3: Create/Edit Content

    From the Design Tools interface, click Create/Edit Content.

    Create/Edit Content button

    Step 4: Copy Existing Content

    Click Copy Existing Content.

    Copy Existing Content button

    Step 5: Institution Templates

    Click the drop-down under Institution Templates, then select the template you want to apply to the Page.

    Institution Template drop-down selection box

    Note: The Syllabus template can only be found when editing the Syllabus Tool in Canvas.

  • Last Updated Apr 06, 2023
  • Views 58
  • Answered By Sophie Theiss

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