How is Regular and Substantive (RSI) measured and reported that instructors are incorporating what's required?


The US Dept of Education rule where regular is defined, as "prompt and proactively" was emphasized. The guidance from WCET is as follows, but this is another area in which they have sought guidance from DOE:

"As mentioned above, the Department indicated that institutions could demonstrate compliance with the requirements at the program design level without documenting “each and every” interaction. We believe this implies that specific information in a course syllabus or other similar document shared with students that illustrates how quickly students can expect responses from their instructors may suffice to meet this requirement. However, as part of our letter to the Department, we asked them to confirm whether policies and faculty development were sufficient, as well as detail any additional criteria or metrics that institutions should consider."

  • Last Updated May 02, 2023
  • Views 70
  • Answered By Sophie Theiss

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