What are Canvas Quizzes and how do I use them?


What It Is:

The Quizzes tool can be used to create assessments, practice quizzes, and surveys.

Why It's Awesome:

  • Variety of question types - all objective type question are automatically graded.
  • Randomize answers to help protect Quiz security.
  • Moderate Quiz panel allows an instructor to see the length of time each student spent, as well as give additional time and/or attempts.
  • Quiz Statistics allow the instructor to see at a glance key data about the quiz, as well as each individual question, and student performance levels.
  • Provide specific correct and incorrect feedback for each answer option, as well as the ability to provide general feedback for each question.
  • Control what students see - instructor decides when quizzes open and close, time allowance, and what students can see after the quiz is submitted.

Ways to Make It More Awesome:

  • Doesn't have to be text-based. Create audio/video questions and allow students to respond in audio or video.
  • Use them beyond the idea of a "quiz." Everything from exit tickets, to homework, to tests and exams can be created with the tool.
  • Because of the data analysis done with the Quiz Statistics, provides a quick and easy way to provide data-driven instruction. 
  • Import Questions from QTI files. Canvas accepts questions in a QTI file format from other LMSs, from book publishers, and from external tools such as Respondus.

Explore these Canvas Guides for more info:

What are my Quizzes options?

How do I import Quizzes from QTI Packages?

How do I add a Rubric to a Quiz?

  • Last Updated Aug 26, 2024
  • Views 49
  • Answered By Sophie Theiss

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